Special Council Meeting

The Borough Council will hold a special meeting at 6:00 pm on Thursday, February 25, 2021 for the purpose of discussing the Besore Library BMP and N. Carlisle Street updates.

January 2021 Borough Council Meeting

The January 4, 2021, Borough Council meeting will held both in person and virtually beginning at 7:00 PM. Due to COVID-19 regulations and social distancing requirements, in person participation will be limited.

To participate via electronic device or cell phone:

  1. Click on the Meeting URL: https://bluejeans.com/362804179/3554?src=join_info
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 362 804 179
  3. Enter the Participant Passcode: 3554

To participate from your phone (audio only):

  1. Dial one of these toll-free numbers:



2. Enter the Meeting ID: 362 804 179 followed by the # symbol

3. Enter the Participant Passcode: 3554 followed by the # symbol

If anyone has a question or concern they wish to present to Council, please submit your information to office@greencastlepa.gov by 10 a.m., Friday, January 1st.